Hi There,
I'm Suren Zakaryan

i am into

About Me

About Me

I'm Suren 🔥

Front-End Developer

Hello! 👋

I'm Suren! I am a front-end developer with experience in Vue, React and JavaScript. I create websites that help organizations solve business problems and meet their needs.

I specialize in front-end web applications and the main languages in my tech stack are Vue, React, JavaScript, and of course HTML/CSS 🧠 I am constantly learning (currently studying English), I love to read, play chess and am eager to learn new things.

As for relocation, I am ready to move and will consider offers of work or housing in another region or even country.

age: 24

Viber/WhatsApp : +374 94-52-82-94

telegram : @Synchro13

email : suren.zakaryan177@gmail.com

place : Armenia, Yerevan.

Skills & Abilities

My Education

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.

Microsoft Innovation Center

Fundamental JavaScript Course

2017-2018 | Pursuing

I am very happy to announce that I have successfully completed the JavaScript courses! It was an exciting journey and I learned a lot of new and interesting things.

Learning JavaScript was an important step in my career and personal development for me. I realized that this programming language can be used to create many amazing things - from dynamic websites to complex applications.

During the courses I learned a lot about the JavaScript language, including the basics of syntax, working with variables, functions and objects. I also learned the principles of object-oriented programming and how to apply them to JavaScript.

In addition, I also dived into the world of frameworks and libraries such as React and Vue.js and realized how they can help me build more complex applications.

These JavaScript courses gave me a lot of new knowledge and confidence in my own skills. I am sure that this knowledge will be useful to me in the future when I work on my own projects and continue to learn.

Projects Made

What was I doing 🤔

Development of adaptive and cross-browser sites, site layout

Customization of functionality (buttons, sliders, forms, galleries and other elements)

Designing UI and creating interfaces from scratch

Checking and testing the functionality (not just your own)

Refactoring (improving and optimizing the code) and speeding up sites/applications

Active interaction with backend developers


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